How to tie over a rest in finale 2014.5
How to tie over a rest in finale 2014.5

how to tie over a rest in finale 2014.5 how to tie over a rest in finale 2014.5

The beat is still there - it's just silent. If we change the previous rhythm to have a quarter rest on the last beat, we get this. The silent version of the quarter note is the quarter rest, which is equal to one beat of silence or pause. In fact, they kind of look like our drummer's and boxer's legs! Unlike half notes, quarter notes have a filled in note head. It's important to note that quarter notes do not always match the pace. So in a case like this, they match the pulse. Quarter notes are often equal to one beat each. They are called quarter notes because they are 1/4 the length of a whole note.

how to tie over a rest in finale 2014.5

The next smallest increment is called a quarter note. Our musician and boxer can continue to play smaller rhythms. It looks very much like the whole rest but is on top of the line instead of underneath. The half rest is silent and lasts for two beats. We can have our boys vary the rhythm by adding in a half rest every now and then. The half note is made of an empty note head and a stem The stem can point up or down, depending where it is on the staff. It's important to observe that, on the half note, the center of the note head is empty. This part is called the note head, and this part is called the stem. If we look carefully at the half note, we can see that it looks different from the whole note. The half note is usually defined as having a value of two beats. You can see that our musician and our boxer are now warming up at a rhythm that is half the length of the whole note. Take a rest boys, a whole rest! Half Notes and Half Rests For our case, we'll assume this is four beats. The whole rest is silent and lasts one whole measure. Rests are easy to tell apart visually from other rhythms because they are either rectangular or made of lines. In music, a rest is a note that is silent. The musician and the boxer can't spend all of their time practicing, though. Let's warm up with a whole note, boys! The whole note looks like an oval with a circle cut out of the center, kind of like an oblong doughnut. This is true in many situations, and because other notes are named according to their division of the whole note, we'll make the assumption for this lesson that the whole note is equal to four beats.


The whole note is typically defined as having four full counts or lasting one whole measure. Each might start with breathing or playing four full counts like a whole note. Once the musician and boxer have found their pace, a proper warm up can take place. Good boxers and musicians always get in pace before starting.

How to tie over a rest in finale 2014.5